I have a python script that uses the georprocessing tools Copy, Intersect, MultipartToSinglepart, RepairGeometry, CalculateField, GenerateNearTable, Sort, Dissolve, Buffer, AddField, JoinField, and da.UpdateCursor.
When I write the intermediate data to a Scratch gdb, the model works fine. However, when I write the intermediate data to the /memory, the calculations from the UpdateCursor are not being calculated correctly. The model runs without error messages, but the returned values are wrong.
Any ideas why this might be happening?
Is that the order of tool use?
Do all the featureclasses reside in the "\memory" workspace (not in_memory) at the time of processing each step (eg Dissolve)
You are have seen the requirements for "\memory" workspaces I presume
Write geoprocessing output to memory—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
And finally
UpdateCursor—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
Using an UpdateCursor on a layer with a joined table is not supported.
Which you seem to have accounted for by using JoinField instead of AddJoin.
Perhaps showing your script would help...although you mention "model towards the end
Hello @DanPatterson
I probably mentioned model because it used to be a model which took a long time to run, which is why I wanted to change it into a python script with the intermediate data stored in the memory. It is rather a long script... probably too long to share all of it. I shared the part where the calculation goes wrong.
# Add and Calculate "Area_ha_in", "Area_perc_in"
arcpy.management.AddField(in_table=_Name_criteria_diss, field_name="Area_ha_in", field_type="DOUBLE")[0]
arcpy.management.AddField(in_table=_Name_criteria_diss , field_name="Area_perc_in", field_type="SHORT")[0]
arcpy.management.AddField(in_table=_Name_criteria_diss, field_name="FID_location_criteria", field_type="TEXT", field_length=1000)[0]
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(_Name_criteria_diss, ["Area_ha_in","Area_perc_in","FID_location_criteria","SUM_Shape_Area","Shape_Area_location","FID_common","criteria_ID"]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
z = row[3]/10000
a = float(str(z).replace(',', '.'))
b = round(a,2)
row[0] = b
u = (row[3]/row[4]) *100
v = float(str(u).replace(',', '.'))
w = int(round(v,0))
row[1] = w
row[2] = row[5] + row[6]