Hello everyone,
I have encountered a problem while performing a Closest Facility Analysis (CFA) in ArcGIS Pro.
I use the EuroRegionalMap from Eurogeographics as the foundation of my network.
Within this layer consecutive road segments sometimes have different elevation levels. A road leading to a bridge is "on ground level" and the bridge itself is "elevated".
I know that this makes sense, but when I perfom the CFA ArcGIS Pro assumes that these segments are not directly connected, making it impossible to traverse them seamlessly. As a result, I don't actually get the shortest road from the Incident to the facility.
Has somebody encountered the same Problem and can help me?
I look forward to a response and thanks in advance!
Beste regards,
I have created route networks from Open streetmap data. If elevation levels is used, instead of true z-values, you have to have different levels of the endpoints of line segments that is supposed to connect to a bridge or a tunnel. I have edited the network manually. Maybe possible to script, but I cant.
You have to different field in the attribute table, e.g. "Elevation_start" and "Elevation_end". Values could be integers. 0 for ground, -1 for underground, 1 for bridge. This has worked fine for me.