Since I have updated to Pro 3.0.1 from Pro 2.7, I have a problem when zooming in a scene when there is a custom elevation layer stored on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.
You can see from the video that the map is zooming back automatically when I go over a certain zoom level.
The elevation layer is using the Google tiles structure in wgs84, with LERC tiles format and is stored on ArcGIS Enterprise 10.6.
As the problem did not occur in Pro 2.7 do you have an idea what the problem could be and how it could be solved?
Thank you.
The video is still being processed so I cannot see the behavior but this appears to be a data specific issue. Is there a publicly available service on ArcGIS Online that I can try and reproduce with on my side?
Hi Andrew,
Thank you for your help. I just shared the url with you in a private message.
Have a good day.