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Multiple users using ArcGIS Pro project (.aprx) concurrently

02-16-2024 09:52 AM
Labels (1)
Esteemed Contributor

I have an ArcGIS Pro .APRX project that has layers and queries that identify data that needs to be corrected. Users edit the data using the project.

Is it ok for multiple users to use the same project file at the same time? Or will that cause issues?

It would be easier to only maintain one project rather than create a copy of the project for each user.

ArcGIS Pro 2.6.8; Oracle 18c 10.7.1 EGDB; Versioned (moving edits to base); The Pro project is stored on a network drive.

4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

concurrent users editing a project esri - Google Search

File geodatabases are designed to be edited by a single user and do not support geodatabase versioning. With a file geodatabase, it is possible to have more than one editor editing at the same time provided they are editing in different feature datasets, stand-alone feature classes, or tables.

But I suspect you will want to read the full text and put your workflow in the context of the different types of databases and your current work environment.

... sort of retired...
0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

If the layer to be edited is shared (from an enterprise geodatabase or a ArcGIS Online hosted feature layer) you can add that layer to the project, then make a project package and distribute that to your editors. They'd each have their own project, but they'd all be working against the shared data.

Esteemed Contributor

Is there a benefit to using a project package in this case? Or would a layer package work (.lpkx)?

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Bud - so let's say you have 3 ArcGIS Pro users all opening the same shared *.aprx that's on a network drive.  The first to open the *.aprx gets "save" permission on the *.aprx.  Users 2 and 3 then open the *.aprx.  As soon as they do, the name of the project (top center) has the phrase "Read-only" appended to the project name.  They cannot save what they add/change/modify in the project like new maps, new layouts and such. 

BUT with the data...well that's different.  You mentioned you're using an Oracle RDBMS, versioned with the move to base option for your FC's.  All users can edit the eGDB FC's, do traditional versioning, save on child versions of DEFAULT, rec/post, etc.  That's fine.  Where things can get wonky if User 2 wants to save their *.aprx after saving their edits.  Well, they can't.  Their *.aprx is read-only. Same for User 3.  But User 2 and 3 can do all their edits, then when they're done, close ArcGIS Pro.