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Map not exporting as expected

08-12-2024 05:54 PM
Labels (3)
Regular Contributor


The inset map keeps drawing this brown shape when it is exported. It appears the the main frame is 'filling in' the background it square it off. I've been using this layout for a while and have never had this problem until today. I've check every layer and neither the map frame or any associated layer has a background color set that appears it cause this.

This color isn't visible in the layout view, only in the exported PDF.  Is this a drawing error I can correct? I've tried changing the export settings but it is there regardless of how I export it. 

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1 Reply
Honored Contributor

It sounds like you've looked in the obvious places:

- Map properties > General > Background colour

- Map frame properties > Background colour

We've had instances of projects deciding to not export particular areas correctly for no apparent reason, and the only way of fixing it has been to rebuild the project from a blank start (copy over layers and layouts). Not ideal. 

My only other suggestion (which sounds like you may have also tried) is to switch to exporting as an image if not already. 

Lindsay Raabe
GIS Officer
Forest Products Commission WA
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