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Layout graticule intervals don't label as expected

11-08-2022 09:46 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have a graticule overlaid on my layout and I've chosen to set the coordinate display format as degrees decimal minutes (DDM). I have a graticule 'interval' set for half a minute (0°0.5') for the grid lines, the tick marks, and the labels. 

Am I wrong to expect the labels to display nice rounded lat/longs at the half-minute, like: 


Why are they set at such close-but-not-quite intervals? 

grat.pngI tried changing the map frame coordinate system to WGS Auxiliary Sphere, changing the map units to DDM, etc., but nothing seemed to resolve the issue. I also tried changing the graticule format to decimal degrees and that resulted in similar labels. If I set the graticule to use degrees minutes seconds, then the labels show with nice rounded seconds (either 0" or 30", as expected). 

I assume this is something simple that I'm overlooking. As you might imagine, I can't send a map like this out and expect anyone to make use of the graticule. 


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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

You have decimal places set to 3 set it to 0 as in this answer

Solved: Layout Graticule (set to Degrees Decimal Minutes) ... - Esri Community

... sort of retired...
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Occasional Contributor

Nope, that just removes the seconds altogether (anything less than a full minute). So neighboring labels would both read: 46°42'

I need to be able to display/label half-minutes or quarter-minutes.  

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

did you try 1 decimal place?  (just stretching here so I don't have to fire up Pro, make a layout and try it myself.

... sort of retired...
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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Matt, 

You can account for "0"s by setting either padDecimal or zeroPad = "True". I think this is what you're looking for.  Please see Work with grid label tags for more information and samples. 

Hope this helps,


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