I am working on a series of maps and whenever I try and use a layer blend under the effects group it wipes out my layout map frame. The effect displays fine on the map tab but the map frame in the layout tab just turns white. I am on ArcGIS Pro 3.0.2. This is a big deal as this effect is a symbology requirement from the client, so now I will likely have to take the map into Adobe illustrator to add the effect. Has anyone else experienced this?
HI Chris,
There are some known issues/bug concerning layer blending and the display of the map in Layout map frames. These include:
The problem you are running into may be one of the above, or something specific to your data/workflow. Can you contact Esri Support? They are better equipped to handle troubleshooting steps and gather bug data. They can be contacted at https://support.esri.com/en/contact-tech-support.
Thank you for the reply Tom. I had a short turn around on this and did some experimenting but never was able to get past the issue in ArcGIS Pro. I have an Adobe license and the Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud extension so I just did the blend in Illustrator for the time being.
and it persists in 3.3
Having a reproducible case is vital to fixing bugs. As far as I know we do not have a reproducible case in house in which to investigate this further. Can you contact Esri Support?
They can be contacted at https://support.esri.com/en/contact-tech-support.
Hi @ScottSweet2
Sorry you are running into an issue. I'm currently unaware of any known issues concerning the "Hard light" blend option. I just tested with a map background and a basemap hill shade (ArcGIS Map Service) and saw no issue. It is likely that the issue is specific to the layers and properties in your (and other's) map. Without knowing these details and being able to reproduce the issue you describe there is very little help I can offer.
Can you contact Esri Support? They are better equipped to handle troubleshooting steps and gather bug data. They can be contacted at https://support.esri.com/en/contact-tech-support.