It dawned on me that Label Expressions do not have access to the SHAPE column. It would be nice to write (pseudo code): SHAPE.area(), SHAPE.len(), etc directly...ie. not add/calc new area and length columns. Any thoughts or workarounds on this topic? Thx.
ArcGIS Pro 3.1.0
Switch to Arcade, it has those options.
var a = Area($feature)
var p = Length($feature)
var v_num = Count(Geometry($feature).rings[0])
var v0 = Geometry($feature).rings[0][0]
var lines = [
v_num + " vertices",
"first vertex: " + Round(v0.x, 1) + " / " + Round(v0.y, 1),
"area: " + Round(a, 1) + " m²",
"perimeter: " + Round(p, 1) + " m",
return Concatenate(lines, TextFormatting.NewLine)
Where are you trying to write the label expression? I see these fields and am able to utilize them in label expression in 2.9.3 and 3.1.1.