Join and Field Calculator issues with Pro 3.2.0

11-30-2023 10:02 AM
Occasional Contributor III


I updated from Pro 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 yesterday, but I came across some major functionality issues with a basic process and I'm wondering if anyone has faced the same.

I'm dealing with a published feature service (with an Enterprise GDB via Portal 10.9.1) that includes a feature class and a related table.

When I join the table to the feature service based on the facility ID the relationship is based upon, the Validate Join process gives no error, and the numbers of resulting input table and join table match perfectly.

After applying the join, the joined data appears in the attribute table as normal, but if I try to update field information in a table column based on field information from a feature service column the field calculator appears to run "normally" but the data does not get copied.

This issue did not occur until I updated to 3.2.0 ... has anyone noticed anything similar? As of now I'm going to have uninstall 3.2.0 and go back to 3.1.1 because 3.2.0 is making it impossible for me to complete my workflows.


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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

I've experienced something similar that I suspect might be related though superficially it's a very different process from yours:

I was very excited for the single-workspace editing session option in Pro, so I upgraded to 3.2 and enabled it right away. So I had a feature class with related table in my egdb. I joined the two (GlobalID - GUID) and tried to run a field calculation and got basically an nothing-burger of an error message. After some fiddling, I was able to get the field calculation when joined to work, but I had to go back into Pro's editing options and uncheck "Enable and disable editing from the editing tab." 

Again, might not be related but I have encountered issues with joining and editing.

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Occasional Contributor III

Thanks for that idea, Zach.

Just checked the options and "Enable and disable editing from the Edit tab" is currently unchecked on my end.

I talked with tech-support, but I was not able to follow-through completely with the Enterprise GDB team because I simply don't have the time to troubleshoot because I cannot complete normal workflows with this version of Pro.

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