I get this Alert whenever I try and use the Explore Tool. The resulting popup has the feature listed but no attributes. Repair and Re-install of ArcGIS pro didn't help. Any ideas?
I have the same problem. This happens for a file geodatabase feature class and a feature layer from a external ArcGIS Server. No attributes are displayed.
I am having this same problem. I am teaching an Intro to GIS course using ArcGIS Pro in the classroom for the first time. I do not get this error message when using the Explore tool to click on a feature on my home computer, but it is happening on my campus computer. This is going to screw up my demonstration in class tonight...
I am using data from the Esripress book "Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.6".
I am getting the same error on a fresh install of ArcGIS Pro on a new computer. Tried a repair and a reinstall but no change. I'm taking a college Intro to GIS course and my instructor doesn't have any other recommendations. Can't find any other references to this problem through Google or on this forum.
This now works again upon upgrading to Arcgis Pro 2.90