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Is there any tool in ArcGIS Pro to import E00 file

01-25-2024 07:40 PM
Emerging Contributor

Don't find any tool for importing E00 file into ArcGIS Pro. Used to do it in ArcMAP! Any work around?

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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Have you tried to convert dataset from E00 to shape?

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MVP Regular Contributor

The .e00 file format is not compatible with ArcGIS Pro:

There is no workaround within Pro and the best workaround recommendation would be to use ArcMap per the above guide.

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Esri Contributor

Greetings @AbuBadruddin1 

As @ChristopherCounsell mentioned, the good ole ArcIfo interchange file (E00) is not compatible with ArcGIS Pro.  However,  whilst doing some digging, I found the following Community post, E00 files, and in there I found an interesting entry by @BarryNorthey  dated 10-05-2022 05:18 AM, where he suggests downloading an ArcView GIS era 32 bit import utility and using it with Python. Alternatively and if you have them, you could use the Data Interoperability extension for ArcGIS Pro, or FME desktop. Please see Convert E00 to SHP

I hope the above is of help

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Occasional Contributor

Or.........they could just add the tool back


We need the old Interchange Tool from ArcMap to still breakdown old data formats.

Conversion Tools > To Coverage > Import from E00



Honored Contributor

There are open source solutions that still read e00.   Things like gdal and qgis.  You could convert them to shapefile and bring that into pro if ArcMap is no longer an option.  

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MVP Regular Contributor

Not quite. Neither Q nor GDAL handle compressed nor partially compressed feature class E00 files, and have no support for either TIN or GRID E00 files. (GRID actually had support but it was taken out. The old driver is somewhere on their github, though).

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