I simply want to create a duplicate of the layer (just some lines and points). However, if I just do copy and paste, any modification of pasted layer will be applied to the original layer as well. So it's not really a duplicate, rather just creating another "view."
So I did some research and most people recommend 2 methods but none works for me:
1. Using [Right Click] - [Data] - [Export Features].
This does make a duplicate (modification does not affect the original), but it only duplicates some features, not all. Entire selection makes no difference. Can anyone let me know what additional settings I need to do? Please let me know if I am missing anything. The first image is the layer that I want to duplicate. And the second image is result of Export Feature.
The Original Layer
New layer generated from export features
2. [Select the feature to duplicate] - [Right Click] - [Selection] - [Make Layer from Selected Features].
This does not make a duplicate layer. Just like copy and past, it creates another view, and modification affects the original.