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Failing renaming shapefiles from catalog

11-18-2022 01:58 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi all,

I am experiencing some issues when renaming shapefiles from Catalog. I was used to do that in ArcCatalog (ArcMap) by simply click on the shapefile and write the new name. Trying to do that in Pro, from the catalog tree, noticing that only the *.shp is renamed. The xml, shx, sbn, etc...are not (still keeping the old name). 

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you very much

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4 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

Where is your shapefile, in some cloud storage place like dropbox? Remember shapefiles are old formats (over 20 years old) and come with all the idiosyncrasies of old formats.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

in catalog, right-click on the file, select Rename

I suspect the old click-highlight-change may be just performing an appearance change and not a renaming... but I don't use shapefiles any more either

... sort of retired...
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Emerging Contributor

All, thank you for the replies. Today everything seems to work fine...

I've tried to switch from shapefile to feature classes in a geodatabase but they are buggy (I have experienced plenty of issues). Anyway, it was some time ago and I should probably try again. 

Thank you very much

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Occasional Contributor

I have experienced a similar situation.  However, shapefiles are used in GPS units and so many of our applications that it's difficult to get away from them.  I make edits to the database using them.

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