Is it possible to extract a picture marker/stroke/fill from a layer symbol to use in another layer? I have downloaded some ArcGIS Pro Styles (many from John Nelson) and I would like to use some of the picture symbols with some other layers symbols I have created. For instance, I would like to use the little hill picture markers from his forest water color in my sand dune symbol (which I stole from John and modified).
There have been many instances where I wanted to do this, but I just went into GIMP or Inkscape and created it myself.
This would save time.
I believe you can. Look here:
Save symbols and style items in styles—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
What I want to do is get the individual symbol layer (more specifically picture symbol from the symbol layer) and use it in another symbol.
This doesn't cover it...unless I'm missing something
Good grief! I'm a walking typo
Did you ever find a solution to this? I am looking to do something similar. Take a downloaded style and make a simple change. Add a line picture marker from within the style to a polygon border and I can't seem to figure it out. The images seem to locked behind the style. Might have to make my own style just to get around this.
Nope. I don't think there is a way.