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Does the ArcGIS search (project) index work properly as expected ?

05-03-2023 08:45 PM
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Emerging Contributor

I have tried many times to see if the (project) search index in ArcGIS is reliable for indexing/searching the contents.  Have added connections to SDE geodatabases as well as project folders containing file geodatabases, shapefiles, CAD drawings and map documents. I have gone through the ESRI documentations such as below which suggest it should all work fine. But it doesn't seem to index everything as it is supposed to be and hence the search results are also not complete. For instance, it shows far less items such as shapefiles and map documents in search results compared to those that exist. Search using boolean operators also doesn't always return the results as expected.

Furthermore, can anyone suggest if there is any better way(s) to know when the indexing is in progress or when it is complete other than watching out for the index size or getting the error message "Indexing is still in progress. Please wait or search again later" when trying to search something that are apparently not indexed OR doesn't exist.

Could  I have missed something or are the issues known/common. and 

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