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Display multiple points and their attached images in a layout

10-18-2019 03:00 AM
New Contributor

I want to use dynamic map series in ArcGIS Pro. I have a geodatabase that includes a point feature class with attachments enabled and added. However, I am not able to get the photo attachments to appear in the layout using dynamic map series for multiple points at the same time. So, I want to display an attachment for each point in my map frame in the layout at the same time, and I want this to be dynamically as it is using dynamic map series. This function is currently working for only one point at a time. However, I cannot display multiple points and there attached image in a single layout..

Are there anyways to work around this issues, or am I doing something incorrect? 

Thankful for any help solving this problem!



3 Replies
Regular Contributor

I can't believe that since October, there's been no ESRI responses to your question. I am using Pro 2.5 and it's notw almost April 2020, and nothing. I am experiencing this issue as well. And, once I set up the image collar to be <Attachment>, it has only showed up on my layout once.

I've read elsewhere that this is still somewhat of an ongoing issue. Can anyone tell me if there's been a work-around or whether this was resolved in a different manner? It's been too long for 2 people at this span of time to still have this issue. Please let me know!

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Esri Notable Contributor

I would recommend contacting technical support to see if there is a way to do this. If not, may have the analyst log an enhancement that can be referenced by other clients.

--- George T.
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Honored Contributor

I'd like to be able to do this too. 


Created the following ideas to try get traction!

Add feature attachment as callout to map - Esri Community

Create dynamic feature attachment element in ArcGI... - Esri Community

Lindsay Raabe
GIS Officer
Forest Products Commission WA
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