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Custom Legend Values for Unclassed Colors in ArcGIS Pro

01-24-2024 11:34 AM
Labels (3)
New Contributor III

I have data that I want to symbolize as Unclassed Colors, but I want to include additional values/information in the legend beyond just the min/max. I am looking to do something similar to what I am seeing in this living atlas layer:

In ArcGIS Pro, I can set the upper and lower values to the same labels as seen here, but where I am stuck is trying to figure out how to set additional values- like how this living atlas layer has the national average: 



I dug into the service a bit here:

and found this regarding the "stops" which specifies the national average: 


Looking into a "renderer" led me to this documentation:

I am wondering if this is the answer to my question, but not able to confirm as I do not have a ArcGIS Developers license- OR possibly this is much simpler than I a making it out to be and I am overlooking something. 

Is there a way to configure additional values like this within ArcGIS Pro?


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