I've been tasked with creating many maps, and I'm trying to reduce the workload. I need to make a map of a soil samples with their respective values for many elements (52 if including the sample number). I've included the map below. Is there a way to quickly automate printing out many maps each with a different attribute displayed (e.g. Sample ID, Fe ppm, Ca ppm, etc.)?
Hi Orie,
What a great opportunity you have in front of you!
I am also soil scientist, so I think I know what you are up to.
With 52 attributes and all those data points you certainly have a lot to work with. I'm going to leave the automation of the printing to our coders to help you out with.
Personally I would make a table and present it with the map, and just label the points 1 through 100 staying on the contour line from top to bottom. When you get to the bottom shift right and start over til you're done. I would calculate the average and std deviation for each attribute, and pick the attributes with the biggest swings for the next step.
The really cool thing to do here is to create a concentration map based on Interpolation of representative value(s) like iron concentration of your point data. You could even create a composite value. Here's what you need to know: https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/tool-reference/spatial-analyst/an-overview-of-the-interpola...
This creates low, medium and high color ramp values for your map area. Fun Fun!!
Hi OrieWyatt. Currently, ESRI provides a Spatial Map Series in which you can print many titles or maps at the same time as you wish.
This might help you by clicking the links below.
1 https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/2.8/help/layouts/create-a-map-series.htmhttps://pro.arcgis.com/en/....
or simply go to the instructed video 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcESlqEBebU