Hi @NormBetland ,
It is possible to use your aerial photography as a basemap.
1. Simply add the raster to a new map and remove all other basemaps and layers.
2. Open the View tab from the main ribbon of ArcGIS Pro
3. On the far left side of the ribbon, select the drop-down of the "Convert" button and choose "To Basemap"
.... Now that your map (your raster) is converted to a basemap, you can publish this to ArcGIS Online for use as a basemap (more instructions to come).
As soon as you have converted your content to a basemap, it is now available as a basemap for other maps in ArcGIS Pro. You can find it in the main list of basemaps (along with the Esri default basemaps). When you have a map open:
1. Select the Map tab in main ribbon
2. Choose the drop-down of the Basemap button
3. Scroll to the end of the list and you should see your newly created basemap(s) available for use in any map
Finally, to publish your basemap to ArcGIS Online:
1. Open your newly created basemap (if you closed it from earlier, you can open it at any time from the Catalog pane --> Expand "Maps" --> Right-click the basemap --> Select "open")
2. With the basemap open, click on the Share tab from main ribbon in ArcGIS Pro
3. Select the "Web Layer" button
4. Choose "Publish Web Layer"
5. Fill in the name, summary, tags, etc. as you wish
6. Under Layer Type choose "Tile"
7. Now, Publish!
You should see in your ArcGIS Online account it has been published as a Tile layer.
If you would like to add this basemap to current or future WebMaps, simply:
1. Open the WebMap in MapViewer
2. Open the Basemap tab (left-hand pane)
3. Select the > arrow where it says the current basemap
4. Click "Add"
5. You should see your newly published basemap (if not, you may search for it -- either in your content, favourites, groups, organization, or ArcGIS Online, depending on the sharing level you set)
I hope this helps!