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Create Trace Network Tool Never Finishes No Matter What

08-21-2024 09:40 AM
Occasional Contributor


I have some watercourse polylines and I want to create a trace network with them. The full watercourse feature class has 17,000 features but even if I try with a subset of 70 I have the same issues. I am using ArcGIS Pro 3.3.1.

When I run the Create Trace Network tool it never completes (have left it for up to 14h). If I force quit ArcGIS Pro and reopen my project, I see the trace network in my gdb, can add it to the map, enable network topology, and validate the network. Seems like even though the tool never completed, the trace network was created anyways but I cannot actually trace the network. I add start points and try to run a connected trace and it either gives me "ERROR 001785: No valid starting points found." or "ERROR 999999: Something unexpected caused the tool to fail.". My start points are the same coordinate system as the trace network and have been snapped to the network with the Snap tool to make sure.

Side question, what's the deal with Trace Networks? I call ESRI support about these never ending issues with them and they are hardly aware that Trace Networks exist. Its been 3-4 years that I have been having nonstop issues with them and its never improved. Trace Networks feel so neglected by ESRI and trying to use them I feel so helpless but it would make my life so much easier if I could just use them as intended.

Thanks for any help,



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3 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

May be if you can share a zip file of a sample of your data others can see if they can replicate the issue?  You don't say what you have actually done so it's impossible to suggest a solution. Where is your data stored, format, what parameters you have set etc...?

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Occasional Contributor

Maybe I wasn't clear enough but most of the information you are asking for was included in the original post. If there is something specific that you need to know or don't understand please let me know and I will try to elaborate, but what I have actually done is pretty clearly stated in the 2nd paragraph of the original post.

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MVP Notable Contributor

I would say your 2nd paragraph lacks the detail, yes you have mentioned the key steps but you don't say how you have run the tools, for example did you enter input junctions what was the connectivity policy you had set? You then don't say what parameters you had set when you ran the Trace, there are lots of options. Even if had just blindly accepted don't say that, so no one can offer up a solution.

All that said, you did provide a sample of data. I imported your data into a file geodatabase  featuredataset built with the same coordinate system as your sample data. Ran the create trace network and enable network topology using just default settings. No errors, they ran to completion (just a few seconds).

I was able to run the trace tool but the results were poor and that is due to the quality of this dataset. Look at the screen shot below, the river flow directions are pointing u/s and d/s. There are many breaks in the network as indicated by the red points which are the nodes of the network. You can clearly see it breaks at roads and other features.

I would deem this network untraceable, but I still did not get the error messages you were getting. I'm using ArcPro 3.3.1 



You need to close the gaps, or get the originator of this data to resupply you with a fully connected network. But that would not explain the odd error messages you were getting. There is something about how you are setting this up or a version issue that you need to resolve.

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