I'd like to calculate an ID field (or some other numeric field) with consecutive numbers starting with 1. The order of this field will be based on the longitude field since I want to number my points from South to North.
I found this https://support.esri.com/en/technical-article/000011137 but it is based on the record number and not a field in the data. I have put a portion of my table below.
Is this possible? This has stumped me for years!
I dont have the code, but using python, you could create a list of all objectid,y values,
sort the list ascending (northern hemisphere) and then step through the list and update the corresponding feature's "ID" field
I assume you mean latitude rather than longitude if you want to order it from south to north?
If you don’t mind creating a new dataset, you can use the Sort tool:
It will generate a new ObjectID in order of latitude (or any other existing field). Works both as a tool and in a script.
If you don’t want to generate a new dataset and your data is stored in a geodatabase, then you can create an UpdateCursor with an SQL ORDER BY … clause, and write an ordered index into a new field. This won’t work with a shapefile, though:
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(data, "NewIndex", sql_clause=(None, "ORDER BY Latitude")) as cursor:
index = 1
for row in cursor:
row[0] = index
index += 1
— Andy
Just a note, you are using arcpy.da.SearchCursor in your code here, when I think you intended to use an UpdateCursor.