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Crashing when changing map data frame within a layout

07-15-2019 02:49 AM
New Contributor

Since I've updated to most recent version of pro I've been experiencing issues when copying a layout view to use with a different map frame. 

If I copy the layout view, open it up, click to change the map frame to a different map frame it freezes. I can see on my layout that the scale changes every time, e.g. from 1:1250 to 1:72,000,000.  Then after waiting for a long time while it's unresponsive,I end up ending the arcpro session in task manager.

Anyone know a solution of experiencing the same?

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6 Replies
MVP Alum

What are the exact steps to reproduce? Every little detail is important...I ask because...there is a known issue when copying layouts where there is a basemap in the map being brought into the copied layout: depending on how you're calling for the map, the map will zoom to the default extent of the basemap, which blows up even my 48 core on-a-fiber-network machine, which sadly is the default behavior. Your mention of the scale changing confirms my suspicion. Try the same operation with maps that have no base map, and the only data is coming from a local FGDB. 

Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Robert & Thomas,

I believe Thomas is on the right track, though I do not think that it is the basemap that causes the "freeze/hang". I think the issue is with all the other layers/data in the "new" map that are trying to draw in the map frame at 1:72,000,000.

Robert, how many features would you expect to draw at this extent?  If you add this map to a new layout using the Default Extent (1st option in the Insert Map Frame gallery) how long does it take to draw?

If the performance of adding a new map frame (of similar size) to a new layout is the same as switching the source map of an existing map frame (both scenarios using the same "original" map and the same "new" map) - then the issue is likely due that the time it takes time to zoom to the full extent and draw all the features of this particular map. I've highlighted two ways you can mitigate this below.

If the performance of inserting a new map frame is different than switching the source map (again, same "original" and "new" maps and map frames of a similar size) - then the investigation needs to continue. If this is the case would you be able to contact Esri Support? They are better equipped to handle troubleshooting steps and gather bug data. They can be contacted at


Two ways to manage a map frame's extent when switching source maps.

Since, by design, the map frame uses the map's Default Extent when switching the source map you can manage this extent by setting a default extent for the map. For more info on this see - My guess is the your "new" map's Default extent has a scale of 1:72,000,000. If it takes time to draw this map (in a map view of in a map frame) at this scale you might want to consider setting a custom extent at a much larger scale.

Another way to control the extent of the map frame is to set a Fixed extent on the map frame before switching the source map. If the new source map uses the same coordinate system of the original source map this should work. However, if the source maps do NOT share the same coordinate system this will not work. The reason is that only the numbers are maintained by the map frame - spatial reference is not maintained because. Currently, ArcGIS Pro does not support the transformation of Map Frame constraint values (Fixed extent, Fixed Center, Fixed Center and scale) when switching the source map to a different coordinate system. Hopefully, this is something we can address in the future.  For more info on map frame extents see -

Hope this helps, 


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Occasional Contributor

This is also happening to me since the latest Arc Pro update. It happens when copying a layout as well as inserting new map frames.  I have used this same process for over a year and is just happening since the update. The Legend in the layout used to change automatically when I'd re-link it with a different map frame and this no longer works. I will take the time to document exactly what happens when I have time--but my workflow has changed drastically because of these new issues.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Hi Suzanne, 

I'm sorry you are running into this serious issue.  I have not run into this issue and really need steps to reproduce in order to investigate further. Can you contact Esri Support? They are better equipped to handle troubleshooting steps and gather bug data. They can be contacted at



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Occasional Contributor

Yes - I had this issue too.  My Layout refused to draw, just circled; and it WAS caused by the basemap being referenced by the map frame Map. As soon as I removed it from the Map frame reference map, the layout drew.  However it drew to the extent of my layers, so I corrected it to a custom extent and hey presto, all good.

Emerging Contributor

I had to do the same as SunniBoulton: Remove all references to the mainmap (scales, legend, north arrow, "linked overview map", etc.). 

Then I only had one layer visible when I turned on the map in the map frame (the layer have few inputs in the attribute table). The map zoomed automatically to 1:70 000 000, but it was not problematic, and everything worked as it should.

However, if I was to turn on the legend it would freeze similar as before, even when I had the setting that new layers should not be added.

I had to specifically drag one layer into the legend, and then it started working just as it is supposed to...

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