Hello! I have pretty limited experience working with rasters and I'm hoping to get some guidance on the best tool(s) to use to accomplish what I'm after.
I have two rasters and would like to figure out how to count the number of cells in one raster that are within a specific area of the other.
See image below. The yellow area is rangelands, and the grey area is precipitation under a certain number of inches. I would like to get the count of yellow cells that are within the grey area so that I can calculate acreage of rangeland within that precipitation zone.
Any thoughts/help would be greatly appreciated!
Tabulate Area (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
would work for rasters
Tabulate Intersection (Analysis)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
for vectors
Thanks! Follow-up question.. if the tool won't work because one of the rasters is a floating type, not integer, would the "Int" tool be appropriate to use to fix that?
Your "zone" raster I am guessing would have to be integer, so "int" would do it IF! there is separation in the values and you dont have 1,1, 1.2, 1.3...
in that case Int(your_raster * 10 ) to scale up the values to provide separation if needed to yield 11, 12 and 13
which would be unique classes for the zones.