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Correlate open attribute tables with open map frame in Pro

2 hours ago
Regular Contributor

Hello!  In some Pro projects, I have multiple map frames open, which may contain the same feature classes in each, as well as other feature classes.  If I open a few attribute tables for Map frame 1, and then switch to Map frame 2, the attribute tables already open are still correlated with Map frame 1.  Is there a setting or similar, that keeps the tables aligned with the map frame, when one switches between frames?  So, if Map frame 1 is open, and I have attribute tables for Map frame 1 open, and I switch to Map frame 2, the tables I had open for 2 will show.  I fear I am not making sense.  Maybe a "discrete container" idea, multiple map frame containers with associated layers, and attribute tables in each.  I made some unexpected editing snafus....thanks in advance. Jay

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