ArcGIS Pro takes the screen focus

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Occasional Contributor

We have a number of different tools that our team use when editing the Utility Network via ArcGIS Pro. The biggest issue encountered is, when running some of the functions that perform different activities, Pro steals the screen focus, meaning the user is constantly interrupted when trying to perform other activities on a second screen.

Does anyone know of a setting or approach to allow Pro to continue to run its actions while letting the user use other system applications. 

2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

@DamienPyne It would help to list the functions that are in use to perform different activities in your team. The details will help to identify possible configuration settings, to run the functions in the background. The primary workflow mentioned is editing the Utility Network via ArcGIS Pro - this is typically user-interactive and the Pro tools are expected to be the primary focus.  

Ayan Palit | Principal Consultant Esri
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Occasional Contributor

Hi Ayan

Our primary workflow with the issue presenting is our integrated design playback function.  This takes an XML fragment from a list the user has selected from and creates, modifies or deletes the required content into the version currently being edited by the user.  Each object being processed takes the screen focus from the user.  Times are dependent on the design size, but can take up to 15minutes, rendering the users machine unusable for this time.

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