I have a series of LAZ datasets that I need to convert to LAS so I can create a DEM. I've tried processing an entire quadrant of a quadrangle at once, and then a single LAZ, and each time it's stuck at 2% indefinitely. I've had the process running for 2 hours and it didn't budge.
At first, I thought it was a hardware issue because I had just over the bare minimum RAM required, so I upgraded that and still had the problem. However, I've found a post on StackExchange where someone was having the same problem. Additionally, when I re-tried the process this morning with a single LAZ file, I finally received an error message, which really told me nothing. I can run other processes just fine, but this one is just not working at all.

Has anyone else experienced this and have a good workaround?
For additional context, I used all default settings except for Define Input Coordinate System, which I set to All LAS Files since I knew the coordinate system.
Edit to add that I'm using LasTools currently as my workaround, but I'd like to keep everything in a single software, as I should be able to.