I have a SQL script that quickly generates grid line features, for testing purposes, using whatever grid dimensions I need: Generate SDO_GEOMETRY grid using SQL.
Is there a way to convert the grid lines to polygons? (i.e. a polygon for each grid cell)
I tried creating a polygon envelope FC and then I looked for a GP tool that could split the polygon via multiple lines. But I haven't found a GP tool that can do that yet.
Advanced license: ArcGIS Pro 2.6.8 and ArcMap 10.7.1. Oracle 18c EGDB.
Solved! Go to Solution.
The "feature to polygon" tool can do it no?
I suppose one way to do it would be to modify the existing query:
(1) Keep only the horizontal lines. Exclude the vertical lines.
startpoint_y = endpoint_y
Here's a sample horizontal line:
OBJECTID STARTPOINT_X STARTPOINT_Y ENDPOINT_X ENDPOINT_Y SHAPE ---------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---------- -------------- 219 0 0 0 1 [SDO_GEOMETRY]
(2) Add an additional outer query where we generate 5 vertices (a polygon) from the existing 2 vertices (from the original horizontal line):
startpoint_x, --vertex 1 (original vertex from the horizontal line)
endpoint_x, --vertex 2 (original vertex from the horizontal line)
endpoint_x, --vertex 3
startpoint_x, --vertex 4
startpoint_x, --vertex 5 (same as vertex 1) https://gis.stackexchange.com/q/433083/62572
(3) Just like with the lines query, construct a polygon geometry by concatenating the coordinates together into WKT.
sdo_geometry('polygon(('||startpoint_x||' '||startpoint_y||', '||endpoint_x||' '||endpoint_y||', '||endpoint_x||' '||(endpoint_y+1)||', '||startpoint_x||' '||(startpoint_y+1)||', '||startpoint_x||' '||startpoint_y||'))',26917) as shape
(4) Now, the coordinates look like this (the vertex direction is counterclockwise; vertex 1 and 5 are both 0,0):
(5) This is what the full query looks like:
--create or replace view sdo_geom_grid_polygons_vw as ( select objectid, 'polygon(('||startpoint_x||' '||startpoint_y||', '||endpoint_x||' '||endpoint_y||', '||endpoint_x||' '||(endpoint_y+1)||', '||startpoint_x||' '||(startpoint_y+1)||', '||startpoint_x||' '||startpoint_y||'))' as wkt, sdo_geometry('polygon(('||startpoint_x||' '||startpoint_y||', '||endpoint_x||' '||endpoint_y||', '||endpoint_x||' '||(endpoint_y+1)||', '||startpoint_x||' '||(startpoint_y+1)||', '||startpoint_x||' '||startpoint_y||'))',26917) as shape from ( with dimension as ( select 0 as point from dual union all select level from dual connect by level <= 10 ), points as ( select a.point as startpoint, b.point as endpoint, c.point as fixed from dimension a cross join dimension b cross join dimension c where b.point - a.point = 1 ) select cast(rownum as number(38,0)) as objectid, startpoint_x, startpoint_y, endpoint_x, endpoint_y from ( select startpoint as startpoint_x, fixed as startpoint_y, endpoint as endpoint_x, fixed as endpoint_y from points union all select fixed as startpoint_x, startpoint as startpoint_y, fixed as endpoint_x, endpoint as endpoint_y from points ) order by startpoint_x, startpoint_y, endpoint_x, endpoint_y ) where startpoint_y = endpoint_y --get horizontal lines only --);
related - deja vu
oracle - Generate grid line coordinates using SQL - Stack Overflow
Yeah, that's the source of my query. I mention it in the link in the original post.
The "feature to polygon" tool can do it no?