if not arcpy.GetSigninToken():
portal = arcgis.GIS("Pro")
I'm not sure if you found a solution to your original post? If not then you you might find the following code snippet useful:
from arcgis.gis import GIS
myGIS = GIS(url = 'pro')
print(myGIS.users.me) # This will display the
# user who accessed ArcGIS Pro and is used to
# then authenticate the connection to your portal
except ValueError as e: # if nobody has authenticated using ArcGIS
# Pro then a ValueError is generated.....
print("There was an error\n")
print(f"The error is:\n\t{e}")
Hopefully this will do the trick and identify who has authenticated using ArcGIS Pro and a suitable error message displayed if nobody has authenticated.
If you have already authenticated using ArcGIS Pro; then run the above code and THEN sign out of ArcGIS Pro and re-run the code again, then the myGIS.users.me returns a None object. You might want to code for that outcome...?
I hope this helps you out - Let me know how you get on?
many thanks