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Calculating distance from points to polygons using temporal data

09-20-2023 12:01 PM
Labels (1)
New Contributor

Hi all,

I have one dataset that is all of the places and county subdivisions in the United States, represented by points latitude, longitude), and then another data that is temporal representing counties that have had a FEMA disaster declaration in a given year. The disaster declaration data is in a panel data format (counties have multiple rows, each representing a separate year that they had a disaster declaration).

What I am hoping to do is attach the temporal county disaster declaration data to a county shapefile, and then do a proximity analysis where, for each year, the distance between points for the places/county subdivisions and the nearest county to have a disaster declaration are calculated.

I hope I've explained that in a way that makes sense... I've been trying to figure this out for quite a while, but haven't been able to locate a tutorial that will help me through it. I was just writing to see if anyone knows of any tutorials (or other info) out there that could help walk me through this process!

Best regards,


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

You might look at using ModelBuilder and an Iterator to select the counties for each year:

This would give you a selection set of the affected locations for that year. Then use Select Layer By Location (perhaps with a buffer distance) to select the nearby features in the other layer. 

Summarize the output layer. Rinse and repeat.

Look at inline variable substitution for your output names.

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