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ArcGIS Pro Locate tool does not work with certain Feature Classes

01-27-2022 09:05 AM
New Contributor III


I'm trying to create a mobile map package for Navigator for ArcGIS. In the process of setting up my Locator tool to search for features within the map, I noticed that the Locate tool in ArcGIS Pro will not work with some of my feature classes. I've gone through the process of going to Provider Settings, Configure for Locate,  Selecting a layer, then selecting the field I want to search, and choosing Contains for the Search Mode. I've also added an Index to the layer using the field of interest but that hasn't helped. 

A few things to note:

1) This layer is a feature class in our Enterprise SDE

2) The locate tool works with other features classes, but not all.

3) The SDE is being hosted on an AWS server, if that matters.

This post from 2018 Solved: Locate not working - Esri Community is marked as solved, but the solution did not seem to help me.

19 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Let's try a few tests. Export your eGDB feature class to a shapefile and a file geodatabase feature class and set up the feature class for the Locate tool.  Does it behave as expected?  Copy/paste the feature class as new feature class in your eGDB and attempt the workflow again.  Does it behave as expected?  By chance is the layer a Database View?  You can also run the Repair Geometry tool on the Feature Class to see if that helps as well.

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New Contributor III

Works fine when I export to a shapefile or file geodatabase. No, it is not a database view. Haven't tried the repair geometry tool but I'll give it a shot. Thanks!

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Occasional Contributor

My users are running into this too.  We have a layer that is an XY Event Layer on a SQL Server table view.  The locate works in ArcMap but does not work with Pro.  Is this bug being worked on?

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Esri Regular Contributor

What version of ArcGIS Pro are you using? What version of Enterprise SDE are you working with?

When you say that it doesn't work, do you mean you do not get any results when searching for a string in one of the fields you configured?

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New Contributor III

Working with Pro 2.9.

Correct, it doesn't display any results when I search for a string. 

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Esri Regular Contributor

@RandyKreuziger1 @Clayton-Cooley I think the issue is that database views do not have ObjectIDs and there are limitations to what you can do with data that do not have ObjectIDs such as selections and queries. Try creating a query layer and specify a virtual ObjectId or use an existing field for the ID.


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Occasional Contributor

@ShanaBritt  but the same XY Event (same excel file)  works in ArcMap with the FIND function.  Is Locate in Pro the same as Find in ArcMap?


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Esri Regular Contributor

@RandyKreuziger1 In ArcGIS Pro how did you create the XY Event from the Excel file? Did you use the in ArcGIS Pro or the XY Table To Point (Data Management)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation tool?

In ArcGIS Pro 2.9 I can create a layer from an Excel spreadsheet using the Make XY Event Layer tool and configure fields in the layer for search and get results returned. I also get results returned when searching all layers in the map,

The Locate pane in ArcGIS Pro can be used to search for features either in specific configured layers or tables, all layers in the Contents pane, or addresses and locations using locators, or coordinates. It is not the same code as the Find tool in ArcMap.

Can you give me more specifics on your workflow?

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Occasional Contributor

I opened a ticket with ESRI for the issue "Locate tool does not work in ArcGIS Pro with xy event source."  The tech was going to submit an enhancement request but I argued that it's really a bug given that this functionality exists in ArcMap.  It's #BUG-000152919  but I don't know if anything will come of it, however, if this bug is affecting other users please add you name/agency to this bug to increase the chance of it ever being fixed.  FYI, you can only do this if your agency is on maintenance.

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