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ArcGIS Pro failed to connect to the specified License Manager.

12-18-2023 12:47 PM
Emerging Contributor

I tried to activate arcgis pro with an authorization file, but it said is been successful activated. but when i enter to arcgis pro its display "ArcGIS Pro failed to connect to the specified License Manager". What should I do? please Thanks. please i need helpDjillaliBehourah_0-1702932329170.png


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7 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Hey DjillaliBehourah,

I assume this is an Enterprise Setup, have you configured ArcGIS Pro to use the Licensing Portal shown here?


It would be in the "Connect to the licensing portal in ArcGIS Pro" section of this too:

I would also check if you can ping the license manager machine, ensure that the ports are open that it requires and if possible, attempt to disable the firewall on that machine to see if it can connect then!

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Emerging Contributor

hello, no its my own setup, would you like to explain me by details on facebook cus i have no knowledge on this software, thank you

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MVP Regular Contributor

Hey DjillaliBehourah, 

I currently don't have a Facebook and I think the public forum posting would be beneficial for us and others who are having similar issues.

As AmnoyAm asked, I am curious what license type you have, and is the license manager currently installed on the same machine as ArcGIS Pro?

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Emerging Contributor

Hi @CodyPatterson 

I agree with you its helpful for the comunity.

yes it installed on same machine


I searched for the solution but problem i didn't find the file Service.txt


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Esri Regular Contributor

Instead of running in circles, start with what license type you have.  When you mentioned authorization file, what is the extension of the file?

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Emerging Contributor

my type of license is "Single use", the bad news is i cancelled it by mistake




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Esri Regular Contributor

Just noticed your response to Cody.  So you have a Single Use Desktop license.  You successfully authorize Desktop Single Use.  You can use ArcMap, ArcCatalog, etc.  This is the classic client application.  It also means you have a Pro Named User license to go along with it.  You will need to create an ArcGIS Online account if have not done so already.  Start with the following document:

You will essentially do the following:

-create an AGOL account.

-activate your subscription

-assign a Pro Named User licenses to your account.

-use that account to log into and start Pro.

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