This is a going to be a long shot, but I am looking for advice or website material anything to help with an issue I have. This is a stormwater ArcGIS Pro issue.
The issue:
Research question:
Worst case I manually input the feature ID for each pipe segment, but I am sure there must be something to help jumpstart the process.
Thank you an advance 🙂
Is the Feature ID field you are referencing the built in non-editable field that comes automatically with shape file feature classes, aka ObjectID in GDBs? If it is, you shouldn't use it and you should define a separate field in the feature class.
I asked a colleague, and they said they use the direction of the line to determine what manhole is upstream vs. downstream.
That is what we generally use as well but we have vendor that requires the up stream and down stream fields filled in to complete work orders.
Our water and sewer department have these fields filled in but they are all manhole to manhole and it was easier for them to populate the fields then stormwater.
Thank you.
Hello, thank you for your list of questions. I will answer them as best as I can. I will state that I am fairly new to this position as well as this Stormwater GIS analyst position is new. So I am dealing with a database that may or may not have been maintained well. I have a lot of data cleanup in my near future 😊
1) The screen shots of the application.
2) Attribute table.
3) Spatial Join, I am unsure if that will be useful but I can look into it.
4) I would like to batch-populate all current fields and then manually update as we move forward and add new infrastructure. Although that might be nice to find a way to automatically populate the fields every time a feature is created or modified, using an attribute rule, but to start I just need to populate the fields so that our vendors can start work.
5) ArcGIS Pro 3.2.0
6) I am pretty sure it is just a file geodatabase.
7) Yes the pipe features are created to indicate the flow of water.
😎 Inlet and manhole invert elevations--- not really. That data is unfortunately not the best maintained. The feature layers for inlets and manholes do have some invert elevation data but I would not rely on it. The pipe feature layer does have the invert elevation data.
9) I believe so that the up_stream is always going to be either a manhole or an inlet.
10) Yes, once again I believe so. Some downstream may empty via a outfall or a ditch.
11) I hear ya, this is one of the biggest issues I am dealing with.
12) I was unaware with the state of the data that I am working with, so even if I can figure out a way to populate the two new field with as much data as I can and then I can manually add the rest. There are over 900,000 pipe segments in this database and our elevation data is not the best kept. So even if I can get a portion of that filled in that would be great. I have a lot of work to do cleaning up years’ worth of data.
Thank you.
Similar to what @RhettZufelt mentioned:
If your pipes are digitized in the right direction (arrow symbol points the right way) then you could use the point (manhole, inlet, or outfall) that is closest to the start point of the line to populate the Up_stream field of the pipe. And use the point (manhole, inlet, or outfall) that is closest to the end point of the line to populate the Down_stream field of the pipe.
That should be possible using OOTB geoprocessing tools.
@MErikReedAugusta might find this interesting.
Thanks for the tag, @Bud . I'm skimming this, now, and I'm pretty sure we have this exact setup, and I already wrote a Python script to fill in those Up/Down IDs. I'll drop it here in a bit, once I reformat it.
@MaureenSpiessl , do you also have any linking IDs on the Manholes? For example, on our Point feature, we have OutPipe and InPipe fields where I can drop an ID, in addition to the Up/Down ID fields on the Pipes. That's a bit more complicated, but it's also doable.
We do not have any linking IDs connecting the manhole or inlet with a pipe, but that does seem useful for the future. I believe before I joined the team here, they relied on visual maps etc. to see the connections of pipes to manholes and inlets.
Thank you.
that code doesn't rely on any common field/IDs. It just intersects the beginning and end point of the line with the points (MH's) and transfers the MHID and ELEV values (you can just drop the elevation part) from the point to the respective end of the line.
This code is for an attribute rule to do exactly what you requested in the original post. You should be able to modify it to iterate through all the lines in calculate field tool.