AcGIS Pro 2.8.2: The label of a polygon appears in other polygons despite the level of zoom,
In the screenshot below, I couldn’t figure out why label 30 still appears in all other polygons despite the level of zoom. In return, label 10 performs correctly.
What could be the issue here?
The data is attached
Are you using the Maplex labelling engine ? (which you should be)
and if so, what labelling properties did you specify?
Label with the Maplex Label Engine—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
This is the default labeling as the layer is added to Pro with no settings at all at any level.
The behavior in ArcMap is correct and as expected even if when the maplex is activated
Is this a bug?
Try choosing a suitable Label Placement option.
Hi Jayanta,
If you keep zooming, label 30 will appear in side the polygon.
I tried all the options but none of them worked for me?
Is this by design? Bug? Sort of settings?
it is the "may place label outside polygons bounds" ... it doesn't say it "will place...."
Unchecking “may place…” option doesn’t resolve the issue as per the screenshot below
the polygons don't overlap do they?
If you tried it in Pro 2.9 and it is still the same, then
send your data to Tech Support for resolution
On running Check Geometry, I could see a lot of self-intersecting polygons and short segments. This could be the reason the labels overrun to adjacent polygons.
Could you run Repair Geometry (on a copy of feature class), and check if the issues persist.
I confirmed with the provided dataset that after repairing geometry the label is placed correctly as long as the "Avoid holes in polygons" option is checked.