Python Add-Ins for ArcGIS Pro

03-23-2015 02:06 PM
Status: Closed
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Regular Contributor

We're just now getting the full functionality of Python in ArcMap via Python Add-Ins, but now everything is moving to ArcGIS Pro and I noticed that there are not any plans to include Python Add-Ins for Pro as well. I do like the new mapping module for Pro, but please also give us the ability to create Add-Ins with Python as well.



Thank you for the well thought out response, dgreene0141‌   I will make sure that your story is conveyed to the appropriate team.



Thanks Kory,

I appreciate that you are sharing my concerns with others.




If we don't get python add-in capability we at least need a replacement for this command that works for desktop:


so that we can bring up the actual toolbox form just as we had navigated through the toolbox and selected the tool.  If we have this capability in PRO then there could be just a small C# ADD-IN button that would call the python program and the python program could call the tools.  You can import a toolbox and call a python script but that assumes that you pass parameters and does not invoke the form.



I too am looking for something similar in ArcGIS Pro.  We haven't moved our project work there, but it is coming.  I have built various tools using PythonAddins (pythonaddins.GPToolDialog(toolPath,'EditSpecies')) as well as using the AddinAssistant.exe.  This I have used to create tools the build bookmarks, zoom to intersections, add specific data directly, etc and without this functionality, our processes and workflows will be slowed and have to change. Please ESRI, consider implementing something that replaces this - so we don't have to re-write all our tools in other languages/development tools.


I agree with others, supporting Python Add-ins is a critical need for ArcGIS Pro.

In response to Kory Kramer‌ likely next question, Esri has already answered the "why" in its own documentation:  What is a Python add-in?

ArcGIS 10.1 introduces Python to the list of languages for authoring Desktop add-ins, providing you with an easy solution to extend desktop functionality.

My question back to Esri is, "why do you want to make extending desktop functionality more difficult in Pro by taking Python add-ins away?"  I think the onus is on Esri to demonstrate the lack of continued need and removal of the feature rather than making the customers who have been using the functionality for 7+ years justify keeping/adding it.


Same here. We're using 7-8 python addins almost daily that we programmed ourselves to make our workflow more efficient.

I really want to like Pro, but man, ESRI is not making the switch very convenient, it's like going backwards a few versions, which is very disappointing. The last thing I want to do is to spend hours and hours to learn yet another language to somewhat accomplish what I'm already doing with Python addins.

Pro right now is a major pain, and I will surely not use it until Arcmap 10.x is on its last leg, and I'm forced to switch to Pro. And then the agony will begin..

I hope, ESRI will listen to the users of their products.



Good Morning,

This is how I see the problem.

Evaluation of Government Agency Migration from Desktop to ArcGIS PRO

Positive:  64 bit processing, benefits of 64 bit processors and memory use, improved tools, python 3.x, easy migration of custom toolboxes, etc., interaction with arc

Negative:  Agency GIS Coordinators will no longer be able to build "in-house" Add-Ins and will have to spend money on contracts to create Add-Ins using Visual Studio.  This will be a considerable cost to the agencies compounded over several years and is a step backwards in functionality.

The comment in an earlier post is right on: "providing you with an easy solution to extend desktop functionality. " referring to the python Add-In capability.  ESRI - Please don't remove a positive step in the right direction.



One slick thing about ArcGIS pro is that if you right click on a tool in the toolbox you can add it to the analysis ribbon (gallery).  This works pretty well in that when you hover over it the description that you have in the meta data for the tool will show up just.  Now, if only the image that you have in the description for the tool would show up this would not be a bad alternative to an Add-In.  However, the downside is that a user would still have to set it up for every new project  (It is saved with the project) but once set up it is very visible and works like an add-in toolbar.   The ESRI tools on the analysis ribbon all have nice images but I have even tried using those 32x32 png files in the ESRI directory and the image when adding a tool to the ribbon does not change from the default.  The hover over description is a very nice feature though so perhaps the image capability is on the way.  Regardless - we still need the Add-In but if we don't get it I will probably push for the ribbon route rather then messing with Visual Studio and will try to convince users to forget add-in and move in this other direction (maybe a project template?).

  Pull down hover over description works but not the image as is the description - Summary (Abstract)

The image I'm talking about is in the tool metadata


Hi Daniel and all,

Several people have mentioned that part of why they like Python Add-ins is to simply open a script tool form/dialog directly from a custom toolbar/menu/ribbon/etc. I'd like to show you that we have a new feature in the Pro 2.2 Beta that allows you to customize the ribbon and quick access toolbar with any geoprocessing tool (both Esri system tools and your custom script and model tools that have been added to the project). This provides another solution in addition to the customization of the Analysis gallery mentioned above.

Customize the ArcGIS Pro ribbon with geoprocessing tools

These ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar customizations are saved into a user file in your Local App Data folder (%localappdata%\ESRI\ArcGIS.Desktop.Config.daml), so they apply to any project you open as the same user (and can be shared within an organization if the customization makes sense for all staff to use). The daml file can be configured to change the icon, size, and many other properties of the ribbon buttons. 


Hi Drew,

That is excellent.  It sounds like my buttons could look just like they do in my add-in toolbar.  It would not replace the full functionality of an add-in but it seems like the capability could replicate an add-in toolbar.  I wonder if by default it could pick up the thumbnail used in the metadata description - currently it does pick up the description which is great.  I put the same thumbnail with the description that I use for buttons on the Add-In.

Thanks for the information,
