Provide a way to disconnect database connections from ArcGIS Pro

01-04-2021 06:56 AM
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Please return Disconnect option for enterprise databases to the ArcGIS Pro as was in ArcMap. With one click in Catalog Pane.

Closing the ArcGIS Pro does not disconnect the user from enterprise geodatabase. Removing connection or showing users and locks is not appropriate solution.

This issue had already the enhancement submitted: #ENH-000084097 


I agree the ability to connect and disconnect to an enterprise geodatabase in Pro is absolutely needed.
I posted this idea back in 2019 - Pro Contents Window Connected Geodatabases 

This issue already has an enhancement submitted: #ENH-000084097

This is in the queue and under consideration, just do not know when it might be implemented yet.


Thank you for the comment @Waan    I took a look and it doesn't appear that you added your kudos to the idea. While comments are important, kudos (the number of votes) that an idea receives is one of the primary pieces of data that we use to determine traction and trends as we monitor idea activity over time.

Please see for a high level overview of how ArcGIS Ideas works. For more details, see Frequently Asked Questions about ArcGIS Ideas 

Thank you for your participation in the community and for helping us prioritize future development efforts for ArcGIS Pro.


Any updates on when ENH-000084097 will be implemented ? This is a desired functionality for most ArcGIS Pro users especially with ArcGIS Desktop being phased away.  


#ENH-000084097 - it is still in the queue but there is no estimate when this will be implemented yet.

I agree the ability to connect and disconnect to an enterprise geodatabase in Pro is absolutely needed.
I posted this idea back in 2019 - Pro Contents Window Connected Geodatabases 


This is one of the primary reasons we cannot fully migrate from ArcMap/ArcCatalog. Please prioritize implementing the sde connect/disconnect functionality in ArcGIS Pro. It is absolutely critical for database administration.


All Bureaus within the Department of Interior will have ArcGIS Desktop REMOVED from all machines on February 1, 2024 - less than 2 months from now. The data management team behind The National Map is migrating to a SOA(Services based architecture) for internal data management. We use PostgreSQL and have an On Prem Portal deployment in support of Branch Versioning. 

As a Portal Admin and one tasked with training our team how to publish a BV from a connection file, this functionality is essential. We have a massive amount of corporate enterprise databases, replications of these databases, services for internal use and data pipelines to the cloud in support of National Map Service Delivery. 

Please. Implement. this. Now.  @JeremyKirkendall FYI This has been requested for years and an enhancement logged...#ENH-000084097 but no intel on which version of Pro will have this essential functionality. 


I was told during UC that it can't be done due to indexing that runs in the background.  I'd rather turn off indexing and have the ability to disconnect from a SDE database. Just my opinion. 


C'mon ESRI enable the disconnect button!!!


Please Esri fix soon! we are allready looking at QGIS instead..


This is basic functionality that should be included. It is very difficult to maintain an enterprise geodatabase without the ability to disconnect the current session. ArcGIS Pro likes to lock everything and providing no way to clear locks other than killing sessions as the SDE user is impractical.