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Please fix stream mode digitizing

01-26-2021 06:54 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Stream mode digitizing is still nonfunctional and essentially broken in Pro 2.7. In Arcmap you set a stream tolerance and vertices are created at the specified interval and visibly appear as the mouse is dragged along. In Pro, it is seemingly random how the software decides to create a new vertex while engaged in streaming mode digitizing. Setting the tolerance to 20 feet results in vertices roughly 80-100 feet apart, setting at less than 5 feet results in 4-10 feet spacing, setting it at zero results in imprecise "jagged" results. The results are so horribly inconsistent the tool is practically useless (for my purposes and especially when compared to Arcmap). Please just implement this tool in the same manner as Arcmap or at least give that option.

Status changed to: In Product Plan
Status changed to: Implemented

Stream mode was improved in ArcGIS Pro 2.9.  See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 2.9 for a number of other ideas you can expect to find when you update to 2.9.


Appreciate the improved stream mode digitizing performance with version 2.9 but suggest it is still lacking when compared with the implementation in ArcMap. Stream mode tolerance remains somewhat random, vertices are created at very irregular intervals no matter what tolerance is entered. One of the most significant differences is how how vertices are shown in real time and "on-the-fly" in ArcMap, this improves the overall experience. In Pro you see a dashed line and vertices only appear after completing the edit.


To add, this issue is still a major hurdle for mappers who rely on streaming, and is unreliable in Pro v3.0.2. 



shouting into a hurricane on this one, I think esri considers this resolved even though its still essentially useless.


We are having the same issue on 3.0.1 and rely heavily on streaming to make large vegetation maps. It would be great if this was fixed sooner than later ESRI!


Echoing from above. We are also the same issue with 3.2.1 and rely heavily on streaming to make vegetation maps. It would be great if this was fixed sooner than later ESRI! This issue may prevent us from moving to ArcGIS Pro or cause us to look for an editing tool that does this correctly.


Newest ArcPro version 3.2 as of Feb'24 and I can confirm this issue, or lack of functional parity with ArcMap, STILL PERSISTS. It is NOT possible to stream at a 100% constant, pre-defined distance between vertices. 

My institution is terminating it's ArcMap license soon and I will not be able to complete my project in time that absolutely needs this functionality. What am I supposed to do?

You want to push people to use ArcPro, but it STILL does not offer feature parity with ArcMap!


Will likely need to submit an enhancement request to get any eyes on this. ESRI changed the status to Implemented and doubtful they will even see this old thread. QGIS 3.2+ offers great, consistent stream mode digitizing. Frustrating to have to rely on different software, but it works.


This has been logged as BUG-000164372. Hopefully that will help it get addressed.