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Please fix stream mode digitizing

01-26-2021 06:54 PM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Stream mode digitizing is still nonfunctional and essentially broken in Pro 2.7. In Arcmap you set a stream tolerance and vertices are created at the specified interval and visibly appear as the mouse is dragged along. In Pro, it is seemingly random how the software decides to create a new vertex while engaged in streaming mode digitizing. Setting the tolerance to 20 feet results in vertices roughly 80-100 feet apart, setting at less than 5 feet results in 4-10 feet spacing, setting it at zero results in imprecise "jagged" results. The results are so horribly inconsistent the tool is practically useless (for my purposes and especially when compared to Arcmap). Please just implement this tool in the same manner as Arcmap or at least give that option.


@DaveWilcox Thank you. Has this bug report just been set up, or has this been fruitlessly brewing for a while?

It should be embarrassing (and hopefully motivating) for Esri that people use their site to recommend moving on to other software. Not achieving feature parity with ArcMap so many years after ArcPro's release and with ArcMap support termination looming is a disgrace.


It was just created after I carefully walked ESRI tech support through the issue and demonstrated how it was broken.


@DaveWilcox Awesome, thanks!

Funniest thing is, that if you set the vertex distance for streaming mode to let's say 2 km, you'll end up getting actual distances ranging between ~1-3 km. Really weird. That plus the fact that the polyline just ends when you click, i.e., it will not be a whole multiple of the distance you define (which is usually what you want, after all).