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Limit attribute table to only those rows that satisfy a Page Query when a Map Series is turned on

a month ago
Status: Open
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor

Introduce a button on the attribute table to filter by "Page Query", similar to the Filter by Extent button, so that whenever a Map Series is active, the attribute table of a page-queried layer can be limited to only display those rows that satisfy the Page Query.

See this ArcGIS Pro Question for a discussion of this idea

by MVP Regular Contributor

This is already possible. You can set the table rows to query by the page query in the table properties.


Thank you for your input, @RPGIS . However, I am not talking about a Table Frame in the Layout. I am talking about the Attribute Table of a Layer, particularly while using a Map. Is that already possible?

by MVP Regular Contributor

Hi @MitchellDrennan,

I am afraid that it isn't possible because, unlike spatial data tables, regular tables have no spatial component which is why it isn't possible.

What you can do, however, is if you want specific features to show in both the map and tables that correspond with a set of records you can

  • Create a common field that matches those specific values and another for a specified extent( optional ) in both the feature class and table
  • Recreate the maps series based on that value and it should have similar behavior to what you are looking for.

It is kind of a lengthy work around, but I have used it in the past when I had multiple features in a map that I wanted to show and related table information that corresponded with it.



Thank you for your continued efforts to find a solution to this. Is the method you propose the same as that discussed by Robert LeClair here and here? If so, I'm afraid it won't get us what we need. I'm not opposed to workarounds--how would one survive without them?!--but they still have to provide some utility in order to be worth the extra steps.

I understand this is not currently possible, hence the idea submission. Perhaps an irrelevant question is: why was this possible in ArcMap but not in ArcGIS Pro?

by MVP Regular Contributor


Just for clarification, are you talking about displaying certain rows as the map is panned around and only showing those rows. If that is the case then it might be the limitation of pro as it currently stands since the standalone table does not have a spatial component. The problem with manually panning maps is those are not as conducive compared to using spatial filters or bookmarks.

The method that I propose is similar to the examples that you linked but not quite. The methods that I used in the past generally referred to manually selected a group of features and assigning them a unique value to filter by. I then added those same values to the other table and set the page query to match. It is still somewhat manually but at least it got me close to what I needed.

The only challenge with manually creating anything is that it will have to manually be updated. I don't know if your data is dynamic in any manner, but if it is, then I would suggest using an alternative means such as another layer to pull information from and using arcade to populate that particular field in both the feature and table(s).

I also vaguely remember that as a capability in arcmap but I have noticed substantial changes when moving to pro where even the simplest of capabilities are no longer present. But that was years ago.



Ah I see. No I believe we are talking about two different things. I am not trying to display certain rows/features as the map is panned around.

Simply put, I want the attribute table of a layer that has a Page Query enabled to only display those rows that satisfy the Page Query (similar to how the layer only displays those features that satisfy the Page Query). In my mind, it shouldn't be that difficult to implement, since a Page Query could be viewed kinda like a dynamic Definition Query. As it is now, a Definition Query does limit the attribute table to only those rows satisfying the Definition Query. All I'm asking is that it do the same for a Page Query.

In addition to this, I have submitted another idea to make Map Series functionality available on the Map side of ArcGIS Pro, not just the Layout side. This was possible in the data frame of ArcMap via the Data Driven Pages Toolbar (shown below)


I understand that Map Series is currently only a Layout functionality--that's why I submitted an Idea. Again, drawing a parallel between Page Queries and Definition Queries, it makes sense that one should be able to "step through" all the unique attributes of the Name Field and utilize the Page Query to limit the features/rows displayed on the Map side.

ArcGIS Pro has been around for a long time, but some of us only transitioned < 1 yr ago.

by MVP Regular Contributor


I get what you were trying to do now. I am trying a few things to see if I can mimic the behavior you are looking for but I believe that, without any spatial data, it will be hard to do.

In terms of navigating by map series page that still exists but it looks like the image below.


It will work if you have the layer/table properties set to select all related records but that still may not help your case. If you still cannot find a solution, then I would suggest an idea to ESRI to see if that functionality can be brought back. I don't see why not.




Thank you for your continued attention to this idea.

I believe I have explained everything as clearly as possible.

I am aware of the List By Map Series Pages option in the Contents pane, but it is only available in a Layout. I am suggesting it also be available in a Map. See this Idea.

In response to your claim that it will work if you have the layer/table properties set to select all related records, if you are talking about a Table Frame inserted in a Layout, you are correct that the Table Frame will be limited to those rows satisfying the Page Query. However, a Table Frame is only available in the Layout. I need this functionality in a Map. Therefore, I want the Attribute Table of a Layer with a Page Query enabled to display only those rows satisfying the Page Query. I want this for multiple reasons--an Attribute Table is more easily manipulated than a Table Frame (sort, select/unselect, re-arrange columns, etc.), and an Attribute Table can be viewed with a Map open, processes like Calculate Field or Calculate Geometry can be run on an open Attribute Table, etc.

by MVP Regular Contributor


Here is the process I am trying to describe.

Check the 'Automatically select related records' under the Related data in the selection properties of the layer



Apply the filter layer extent in the attribute table


Select all the records in the table within the filtered extent



and have the selected records displayed in the other table.



It is still a manual process but until ESRI re-incorporates some old functionality then this might be the only work around. It is the closest I could find.


Thank you @RPGIS . I will continue hoping Esri takes my ideas into consideration.