Keep Previous Select by Attributes in Geoprocessing Window

11-05-2019 06:52 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

  It ArcMap, when you did a Select by Attributes, it would always keep that last query you used so that you could always go back and reuse or modify it.  Arc Pro I noticed as soon as you close the Geoprocessing pane, it deletes any query you had just run.

  Maybe even have a toggle to turn on save current query in history or something temporarily until you exit Pro.  I know you can "Save" the query, but this is more a temporary thing in your current project rather than having to actually have a temporary query on the hard drive that you might only need to use a couple of times, but need the space on the monitor for the map and not have the Geoprocessing pane take up too much room...

Status changed to: In Product Plan

This is in the works for ArcGIS Pro 3.0. The functionality is not limited to Select By Attributes, but also several other tools that are opened from ribbon buttons and context menus around the app, including in the attribute table. 


@DrewFlater this is excellent news! I hope the field calculator is among those tools and will save the previous expression in a cache. 


@DrewFlater I will be looking forward to this being solved. 


@IlkaIllers1  at this time there is not a cache or list of saved expressions. This current enhancement that I described is for equivalency with ArcMap, that when you reopen a tool window from the attribute table or clicking a ribbon button, that the most recent parameters you used will be auto-filled in the tool.

For the idea of caching or listing previously used parameter values, please vote and comment here:


@DrewFlater This is good news. Does ArcGIS Pro 3.0 have a planned release date yet? Where can I find info about planned upcoming releases? Thanks.


@JeffreyROLAND ArcGIS Pro 3.0 is scheduled to be available in mid-June. provides the roadmap for future releases, but does not provide actual dates. Typically we release Pro two times per year so you'll usually see a release either late/early in a year, and then one mid-year.


Status changed to: Implemented

This functionality has been added in ArcGIS Pro 3.0. See Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 3.0  to see this and all of the other ideas you can look forward to when you upgrade.

Also be sure to check out the What's New documentation: 


@DrewFlater  you mention that the functionality would be expanded to other areas of the application, but it seems Select by Location still doesn't save parameters in 3.0. Was that intentional? If so, what's the justification? It is sometimes necessary to repeat identical or similar selections and it would be beneficial to have all or most of your query pre-built.


It seems that the problem with the way this was implemented is that if you have something selected in your TOC, it dumps the query and puts the selected layer in the input features section. This is undesirable as it doesn't really keep the previous query selected. Maybe a 'reload last query' button would work better? That setup would also help with this idea.