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Join Field Information Pop-up Double

01-03-2023 12:10 PM
Status: Already Offered
Labels (1)
Regular Contributor


I'm not sure if there is a better place for this to be submitted?

The "Join Field" tool has repeated help text for one of the selectors. The blue "info" button that appears when hovering over the "Transfer Method" selector shows the same text twice. This is a tiny thing that doesn't affect the tool, but does lead to a moment of confusion. 

Where the repeat occurs.Where the repeat occurs.

I find these "info" bubble incredibly helpful when using a new tool or determining which sort of data should be placed in each selector box!

Status changed to: Closed

Hi @LarsArneson 

Thank you for the post. 

>> I'm not sure if there is a better place for this to be submitted? 

Your suspicion is correct that this should be considered a bug and not an appropriate idea. See the ArcGIS Ideas Submission Guidelines and Statuses As stated there, bugs should be submitted through Technical Support:


Now for the good news - in a development build of ArcGIS Pro 3.1, I see that this problem has been resolved:


We expect 3.1 to be publicly available in late February.

Thank you again for taking the time to report this issue.


Status changed to: Already Offered

@LarsArneson Yeah thanks, but I don't see it either; verified in current 3.1.  If you keep seeing it please log a bug.  We would be super interested in fixing it.