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Copy the text from "Source" (Layer Properties)

11-10-2021 12:25 AM
Status: Implemented
Labels (1)
Frequent Contributor

In ArcMap, I very often highlight and copy the entire text from "Source" in the Layer Properties and paste it to Notepad. This helps me access the feature class in the catalog, set or repair the data source or check for lock files in a gdb. 

In ArcGIS Pro, I have to copy the gdb, feature dataset and feature class separately, which takes time and effort. 

Tags (2)

Hi there! 

Coming to this thread a bit late and see that there's an implemented solution in place for the data source info. Really appreciate how easy it is to get filepaths just by right-clicking in the catalog pane and windows now, and the data source copy function is great as well.

Picking up what @IlkaIllers1 and @mTylerH mentioned as well, it would still be really helpful to easily get the filepath (or source URL) of a layer in a map's table of contents, especially if the layer is in a GDB. 


If I use Copy Path in the Map tab on a layer in the TOC, 


it copies the CIM path (CIMPATH=map9/test_info.json)

instead of the actual filepath (C:\temp\test.gdb\test_info)


Right now I have to copy two lines from the properties and combine them to get the filepath from properties:


Or find the source file in Catalog, which can be pretty buried. 


It's a small thing, but we are referencing filepaths quite often and having an easy way to get them from the table of contents would be AMAZING. 


Thanks @BrendanSoulé for your feedback and suggestion.

Since this idea is closed as implement, would you mind enter a new Idea for what you suggested above. We'd appreciate that very much


thanks @BrendanSoulé for logging a new idea here


I've pasted the new idea's link above for others who have already commented here about that capability. They can upvote it over there.