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This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Pro #7

02-06-2020 11:14 AM
by Anonymous User
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4 0 849

Today is release day, and This Week’s Picks - ArcGIS Pro #7 is all about ArcGIS Pro 2.5! A lot of major updates and customer ideas went into the release and these 3 picks focus on many of the equivalency items, enhancements and new tools within ArcGIS Pro 2.5. 


Specifically, we will look at your “Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 2.5,” highlight a popular request: GP scheduling functionality new at 2.5 and tie it together with the official What’s New in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 video. 

  ArcGIS Pro #7


On to the picks… 


Ideas in ArcGIS Pro 2.5  

Your feedback is important. One of the major focus areas at 2.5 was equivalency and getting input from the user community has been essential to this theme. ArcGIS Ideas were a major influencer in this release and Kory Kramer has demonstrated the impact of this feedback with his video/blog post available here. Half of the implemented ideas were ArcMap equivalency items and the other half? You guessed it, new functionality straight from the community. 


ArcGIS blog Focus: Schedule Geoprocessing Tools and Models in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 (ArcGIS Idea implemented) 


As was hinted at in an earlier This Week’s Picks and noted in the implemented ideas video above, this popular suggestion is live in 2.5! There may be many scenarios where automating your script tools and models streamlines your workflows. It may even be a requirement. This recent blog post covers the new functionality and provides a nice overview and practical example and it's done right from the Geoprocessing Pane! (and yes, you can run scheduled GP tools from outside of ArcGIS Pro too). Check it out here


What's New in ArcGIS Pro 2.5 Official Video 


Already over 10,000 views but a release day picks post would feel incomplete without covering all the highlights, major updates and new functionality shown in this video. This is the official YouTube video and if you haven’t watched it yet you can catch it here. This video is comprehensive so there is a pinned post that provides an index if you want to skip to your favorite topics/areas. 


Additional videos:  A Quick Tour of Raster Cell Iterator 


I hope you enjoyed the picks covering some highlights in ArcGIS Pro 2.5. I hope you have an opportunity to check it out soon. Stay tuned for future picks and if you are interested you can also check out This Week's Picks - ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. Thanks again for reading and happy mapping! 


(If you are interested in previous posts, they are archived here:

