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Transfer Attributes creates duplicate COGO fields each time

10-06-2021 06:53 PM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor

Hello, happy October again!

Is there a way to use Transfer Attributes between a Pro COGO line feature class (works, auto-labels, etc) and the Parcels_Lines class that also has COGO enabled? So far, every time I run transfer attributes, it creates a duplicate set of the COGO fields Direction_1, Distance_1, etc...and populates those with the result of the attribute transfer, while the original cogo fields (which are the ones actually referred to by the COGO functionality) remain blank. Meanwhile the Fields view in my attribute table pane gets more and more crowded each time I run the tool...

I'm migrating polygons into a version 3 parcel fabric, using arcgis pro 2.6 - with the goal to script this all with arcpy, so a functioning arcpy command is just as good a solution as a recipe for getting the tool to work through the Geoprocessing pane.

Context: Following the workflow from the Append Data page  in the Getting Started with Parcel Fabric guide, I select a group of polygons and append them to my Parcels polygon table. Then create records from a RecordName field, then build parcel fabric to add the points and lines.  Finally transfer attributes to get the cogo values from my (existing & Pro) source cogo dataset into the new lines created by build pf. But even the Transfer Attributes help page says it tries to duplicate fields rather than populating the existing cogo fields 😕

Thanks for any and all help and pointers!

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10 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor


I am not aware of a tool to 'check attributes' and the error above might be specific to MS SQL Server.


1. Submit a technical support case (just in case this is a bug)

2. If you know which field is the culprit, create another field of the same type in the source data and calculate the values from the source field. Values will either move over or you might have better error messaging to catch the offending value (rows). If all values calculate over, repeat the process and calculate back the source field.

3. Copy and paste the feature class in the file geodatabase and try to append it from the copied data.

4. Copy and paste the feature class from the file geodatabase to SQL Server and then try to append it from the copied data (MS SQL to MS SQL).

5. Long term. If you have a data flow make sure the source data has the same length or target field is longer than the source (e.g. if appending from a text field to a text field ), avoid using text field if they can be modeled as doubles or integers, use domains, use attribute rules to validate the data. 


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