We are starting to use tasks. We are using tasks as an aid to complete multi-step processes consistently and to provide "shortcuts" to get specific tasks done. Within tasks using contents to set was is visible, selectable, and editable is great!
However, is there a way when the task is completed that what is visible, selectable, and editable will be returned to what they were before the task was started?
Hey Dean,
Unfortunately there is currently no way to reset back to how the contents were prior to the task being run. This is a feature that we have discussed and we can look back into it for a future release.
That is too bad. This would be very helpful. As it is now I am creating a series of tasks that do nothing but set a particular edit environment (what's visible, selectable, and editable) which is not a great work around. Should I submit this need in the ideas section? ]
Sure. That will get more eyes on it.
My suggestion would be to add an automatic, hidden step at the end that sets everything in the Contents back to how you like it.
Good thought, I tried that with a couple of test tasks for the cartographers. The problem is that they come at the "short cut" tasks from a number of different business processes so that there is not a specific contents set that will work. I thought if I created some tasks that represent "edit environments" that this would be more flexible and transparent. Also... I was thinking I would let users change & customize these environment setting tasks to fit their way of doing business. Whereas, I do not want them messing with "production tasks".