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Is it necessary to firstly deploy ArcGIS "Parcel Drafter" solution in order to use in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8x ?

12-13-2021 09:19 PM
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Emerging Contributor

Is it necessary to firstly deploy ArcGIS "Parcel Drafter" solution in order to use in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8x  or I can simply use it via "WAB" widget ?

I tried using it by creating a parcel fabric feature in ArcMap and then I had published it to my ArcGIS portal in order to utilize it via "WAB" widget but it got failed as it didn't showed the values for "Connection Line" and "Boundary Line" options.  Any other help regarding configuration of "Parcel Drafter" will be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance. 

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

The Parcel Drafter widget is looking for a very specific configuration of layers and fields in order to function properly. While it is possible to bring you own layer into that widget, it's probably going to be easiest for you to deploy the solution first.

If you go that route, make sure to use the solution extension in the desktop software. If you deploy the solution from the web, you won't be able to specify the projection, and your drawings may be stored in the wrong units. For parcels, you'll probably want to be in a projection specific to your region.

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
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Esri Contributor

Hi @ShubhamBhatia 

@jcarlson is correct - it would probably be easiest to deploy and configure to ArcGIS Enterprise.

Here's the help doc.

Alternatively, you could deploy to ArcGIS Online and then export the feature layers to FGDB, publish to your 10.8.x Enterprise, and then manually configure the Parcel Drafter WAB widget using the ArcGIS online app deployed as a reference.



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