Web maps not displaying in storymaps

10-30-2023 06:54 AM
New Contributor III

We have creating a Story Maps with ArcGIS Story Maps, and everything was working fine until last week it seems; now, whether viewing the Story Map in Chrome or Edge, certain web maps will not display. Is anyone else having this experience, and have you found a workaround?

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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

Can you share the storymap showing this issue? 

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New Contributor III

It was a problem in the Esri software and has been solved. The storymap is working as expected.

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Occasional Contributor II

Check out this post from @OwenGeo - does that sound like the problem you are experiencing? https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-storymaps-blog/announcement-issue-with-some-maps-not-loading/bc...

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New Contributor III

Thanks, yes this looks like the same problem. I have seen that the problem has been solved and the storymap is working as expected.

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