Vector Tile Legend?

09-18-2018 03:57 PM
Deactivated User

How do you get a vector tile layer to show up in the legend? I don't have the option to "show in legend" like I do for other layers. I created my vector tile index, then package, then uploaded to ArcGIS Online. Am I missing something? Corresponding feature layer that has to be included in the upload in some way? I really don't even care about popups or being able to query.

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21 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Waiting to have legend capability with Vector Tile.

Occasional Contributor

I also searched for ENH-000099289 and couldn't find it anywhere...  Do you have any update?

Frequent Contributor

My workaround is to publish a image service using the same symbology as in the vector tile and add to the web map just for showing the symbols in the legend. Even if you delete the features in the published image service, the symbol will still show up in the legend.

Frequent Contributor

This sounds like a good work around. Can you confirm your workflow?

-You publish the populated layer as a vector tile,

-create a separate layer using the same symbology but pointing to an empty dataset (or maybe just set a definition query that removes all the data)

-and publish that image service at a single zoom level (the reference scale set for the symbols/labels)?

-Then you can use that image layer to generate the legend without slowing down performance?

Frequent Contributor

I did this in Enterprise environment with the image service being referenced. I just tried to publish the image service as hosted and it worked as well. You can try loading this hosted image:

Although it has no data, the symbol shows up in Map Viewer's legend. I believe it will not slow down performance.

I am not sure about reference scale. The symbol I used has no reference scale. Its size is 20 pt.

Occasional Contributor

Still waiting.... why was this even shipped without such a core feature? 


ESRI is the worst software I have ever used. 15 years of pain. 

Frequent Contributor

Another vote. I just sold my firm on publishing vector tiles for basemaps that will be used across our ArcGIS Pro project figures, and found out they can't be added to our legends. Don't I look smart. Back to Map Image services for now...

MVP Regular Contributor

Another vote from me. Lots of clients asking for this. Also enable popups like mapbox VTiles supports.

..Maps with no limits..
Emerging Contributor


I have come across the same issue as I am trying to save credits using a vector tile vs. publishing just a vector.  I contacted ESRI and they say if you want a work around you should just load the file as a raster tile package instead of a vector. This will allow you to have a legend.


This seems to work perfectly for my purposes.


Hope this helps.




Regular Contributor

Another vote for Vector Tile Layer legends. Would really like to be able to expand a legend in a LayerList without a bunch of workaround.