Hi all,
I'm using a national point data web service form a third party and I am only interested in the data for my local area in the web map, to which I have a small area polygon.
I wanted to ask is there a way to use arcade or something like this to just be able to perform something like a definition query on the layer, so the data that shows up only within my polygon boundary will be shown? I cant/don't want to edit/delete the additional data that is redundant for my purposes.
Many thanks!
Hi Luke, This process would be easier to do in ArcGIS Pro if you have access to it. You may be able to open up the attribute table and export a feature layer or CSV and remove the features you do not need, and reimport as a new layer. Do you have access to ArcGIS Pro?
Hi Keiren, unfortunately I don't (I'm using 10.7) - would that suggestion not make the data static too? I wanted to be able to just filter based on my area of interest, but also to keep the connection to the original data so I did not have to worry about maintaining the data.
Hi @LukeAllen2 ,
I don't think it is possible to filter an external service using Arcade. Your options in this case are pretty limited with Arcade. You can show information in a pop-up that only applies to your study area (if the Arcade expression has access to the study area geometry), if that is what you are after.
As an alternative to the option provided by @Anonymous User , you could use a Notebook (ArcGIS API for Python, https://developers.arcgis.com/python/ ) and schedule the notebook to update a hosted service with a defined frequency.
Thanks Xander, in regards to the first suggestion, would arcade actually be able to hide/not show the points outside the study area? Thats what I am interested in, just being about to only show the points from the third party service that fall within my area of study (which would be my own polygon)