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Unable to print maps if aerial layer turned on

Occasional Contributor

Hello! Has anyone had an issue printing from an AGOL WAB hosted website if an aerial from a map service is turned on?  For years, we could print maps from our AGOL WAB hosted website with the aerial layer turned on (county hosted aerial). Now it throws an error and you can't print. City residents use this printing feature frequently, so we need it fixed. I turned off legend display for the aerial layer and it still throws an error. Once the website throws the error, it refuses to let you try again to print. The website must be completely reloaded. The print error is generated no matter what the format chosen is. The print widget is also slow to load with users having to wait 10+ seconds to edit options including the map title. URL to website:

Has anyone run into this or have ideas on how to fix it?  I put in a ticket with ESRI but they had no idea.

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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

The imagery can't be added to the map.



Loading the site it's trying to hit URLs from an ArcGIS Server:

I can't resolve those URLs.

If the aerial imagery service isn't accessible to public, fair to say that the print widget also won't work. The print widget will request this data - and it won't be able to get it. Extra problems when it's part of the basemap.


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MVP Frequent Contributor

is your aerial imagery service shared up with secured with user name and password?

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