Hi Mike,
Thanks so much for your response-- I appreciate it. Uploading zipped shapefiles to my personal account now works great, thanks.
I'm still having issues with publishing shapefiles as feature services using my Organizations account. The error is different than it was earlier today-- now I get "Error Invalid layer definition" when trying to publish a shapefile. If I click ok on the Error screen it takes me to the item with the "Open" dropdown grayed out.
The item then appears in My Content, but when I open the feature service again it's grayed out and says "Creating Service ..." over the icon. The file may be corrupted, but I can upload it directly to a webmap and it works correctly. I've also tried with the same zipped .shp I published as a feature service yesterday, and that fails.
Any advice? I'm happy to send data, screenshots, etc if that helps.